Wednesday, May 13, 2009

'Twas the last night in my 20s....

Yep. I turn 30 tomorrow. I'm still on the fence about how I feel about it. I'm not overly depressed, but I'm not thrilled either. Oh well, it is what it is, and dammit, I'm almost 30.
In less than 12 hours.
HA!! Nah, really I'm OK with it. I'm actually looking forward to a new decade of accomplishments and happiness. My 20s have been filled with a lot of uncertainty, struggles, a major heartbreak, four colleges before I finally settled down and got my B.A., and a lot of soul searching.
I got my start in the journalism field at my hometown newspaper in Norwich, NY and never looked back. The latter part of my 20s have definitely been better than the first half, so I'm hoping the trend will only continue.
Let the good times begin.


Ok so I got really busy today with phone calls and research so I got really lazy with dinner. I made the other half of my bean burger from yesterday (I doubled the recipe) and a "not so ridiculously large" salad. Same as yesterday. Nothing big.
But this time I had another No Pudge Brownie with a half cup Breyer's Vanilla Churned ice cream on top. I was really needing the sweet today since I really haven't eaten that many calories today. Actually--I didn't have any meat today either. I typically don't eat meat that much anyway, and after reading Caitlin's review of Skinny Bitch and her reasonings for going vegetarian; and the points she made about how "organic" and "free range" are just marketing schemes--I'm definitley putting more thought into it.

Anyway, I'm going to enjoy the last of my 20s watching some TV and being lazy. Hell, why not?


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