Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rain, rain go away

Not that I can complain because it hasn't been all that bad, but it's been raining since Sunday and it's not supposed to stop until next week. I think what bothers me most is that we have to wait so long to get spring in the Northeast that when it's finally here, I don't want to be wasting my days dodging the freakin rain. And it's not like a nice rain...it's cool out, so it just makes you cold and miserable. But that didn't keep me from going to the gym today.

When I first starting training for races, I started following the Galloway method-a run/walk method that on paper sounds great. But I found that I couldn't start/stop/start/stop, so instead of a run/walk, I started to do a run/jog. I would run at a normal pace for three minutes and then jog for one. The purpose behind it is to give yourself a break before you're tired, ultimately giving you the strength and endurance to run longer, faster.
I don't know if I got impatient with it or what, but I didn't see any good results from it and I really started to dislike running. It felt more like a chore since I was constantly checking my watch and timing myself. However, I decided today, since I ran on the treadmill, to give it a shot once more.
I ran 5 miles. The first mile was at a 9:13 pace (6.5) which is usually a good warm-up pace for me. When I reached the 9 minute mark, I picked it up to an 8:34 pace (7.0) and ran a run/jog pace of
4 minutes at 8:34
2 minutes at 9:13.

This worked for miles 2 through 3.5. At the 3.5 mile mark, I knew I needed to slow down so I started alternating 2 minutes at a 10 minute mile pace (6.0,) two minutes at a 9:13 pace (6.5) and two minutes at 8:34 (7.0)

I think I started out much faster than I should have because I was dead by the time I was done. I ended up completing the 5 miles in 44:47, or at an 8:57 pace, which I was very unhappy with for some reason. This is the reason why I should JUST RUN and not try to beat my time every time I run. However, I know you can't get better if you don't add intervals, sprints, hills, etc. I'm TORN.

After running, I lifted with my normal routine:
Bis, weighted lunges (15 pounds in both hands) squats, lateral arm raises, overhead arm raises, leg extensions, and abs (I've been doing the planks again--three regular planks holding at 25 seconds each, and three on either side holding for 15 because those are much harder for me) and 50 bicycle crunches.

I came home and had the leftovers of last night's TJ's sprouted pasta dinner. Yum!

I'm wondering if anyone does anything for Cinco de Mayo? I used to use it as an excuse to get hammered in college (of course) but now I just try to use it as an excuse to eat Mexican food for dinner....mmmmm...

Is there an easier way to get pictures on here? I hate uploading them and then having to drag them down the page to get them where I want to go. That's why the lack of pictures. Maybe someone can show me a trick? Is anybody out there??? :)


  1. download windows live writer... best thing that ever happened to me.

  2. oh and if you get rid of word vertification, more people will comment. :)
