Saturday, March 20, 2010

Green tea lattes and a 15K

Unsweetened soy green tea latte.

green tea latte

That’s my drink of choice at Starbucks. However, the locally owned coffee shop next to my building at work doesn’t serve it, so I don’t get it very often anymore. I’m in the process of making a deal with the owner to let me buy the matcha so he can make it for me.

Since Dennis "dared" me to stop drinking coffee, I really don't miss it as much as I thought I would. I've actually cut back on caffeine in general-except, of course, when I drink green tea. I treated myself to one today and it was so good. If you haven't tried one yet, you must. I like it much better with the soy than the milk, but I guess to each their own.

15K training run – 1:21:06

Today was an amazing day. 75 and sunny. I made sure to take full advantage by running a 15K with my running group.

I have to figure out what I’m going to do during the Cherry Blossom and 1/2 marathon because when I stop at the halfway point water stop, my legs get tired. I struggled for about a mile after the water stop and even though I started to feel a little better around mile 7, my pace dropped overall afterward. All they had for snacks at the water stop were cookies, so I loaded up with Gatorade. It definitely helped me get through the last half of my run but I worry it still might not be enough. When I ran the Boilermaker 15K last year, I ate a Goo packet at around mile 6, but it made me so sick. I’m thinking I might have to carry my own bottle filled with coconut water and also carry a little honey packet or something.

Do you stop and walk through the water stations or do you run through them? What kinds of fuel do you guys carry on your long runs?

I don’t like eating fake crap, so I think the coconut water and honey will be a good mix for me.

Tomorrow I’ll be driving up to Columbia, MD to meet Cat and Jess for brunch. I met them both at the Blog Summit in Boston last year before we moved down here.

me, jess and cat august

Jess is in town for the Fit Bloggin’ event in Baltimore and I’m so excited to see them both!

Enjoy your evening!

1 comment:

  1. Great work on your run!! I normally slow down but don't stop at the water stations. I also like to take a goo or some sugar lollies on my long runs.
